The Original Temple of Mount Pleasant Lodge #573 was dedicated on January 12th, 1910
On May 1, 1909, New Hope Masonic Lodge #415 located in Purlear, NC granted demits to 20 members to become charter members of the newly formed Mount Pleasant Masonic Lodge #573. W. Hayes Porter was designated Master; W. Harrison Eller as Senior Warden; and Nathaniel C. Huffman as Junior Warden.
The Lodge operated under dispensation of the Grand Lodge of the State of North Carolina until January 12th, 1910, when it was issued a charter. Most Worshipful R.N. (Dick) Hackett, Grand Master and Right Worshipful, John C. Dreury, Grand Secretary.
The Lodge operated under dispensation of the Grand Lodge of the State of North Carolina until January 12th, 1910, when it was issued a charter. Most Worshipful R.N. (Dick) Hackett, Grand Master and Right Worshipful, John C. Dreury, Grand Secretary.
The First Temple
The First Temple was of wood construction and was built mainly from the materials salvaged from the old building of Mount Pleasant Church. The materials were purchased and erected in 1909 by the newly formed lodge members.
The Second Temple
A banquet given the members of the Lodge by Dr. James W. Davis, M.D., held in the dining hall of the Hotel Wilkes on July 22nd, 1944 a number of members subscribed funds for the erection of a new temple.Mr. Leonard Vyne, a member of North Wilkesboro Masonic Lodge #407, gave the lodge its first donation , a sum of $100.00. A committee was designated to solicit funds.
Architects, Benton and Benton drew the plans for the new building. On June 30th, 1950, several members met and graded the foundation site, donating the labor. The new temple was completed in 1951 and the First Stated Communication was held in the new building on the 3rd Saturday night in September of 1951. The meeting was presided over by W.C. Triplett, Past Master, at the request of J.G. Shepherd, Master. The temple was officially dedicated on March 13th, 1953 by Most Worshipful, Edwin T. Howard, Grand Master. The lodge's membership was 96.
Architects, Benton and Benton drew the plans for the new building. On June 30th, 1950, several members met and graded the foundation site, donating the labor. The new temple was completed in 1951 and the First Stated Communication was held in the new building on the 3rd Saturday night in September of 1951. The meeting was presided over by W.C. Triplett, Past Master, at the request of J.G. Shepherd, Master. The temple was officially dedicated on March 13th, 1953 by Most Worshipful, Edwin T. Howard, Grand Master. The lodge's membership was 96.